Youwind Renewables is a SaaS company that accelerates early development phases for offshore wind projects, saving up to 80% of the time. Our web-based platform merges engineering and financial analysis from energy yield and park layout, considering environmental and technical constraints and state-of-the-art wake loss models, down to logistics and weather downtime optimization, keeping track of your financial indicators. It includes extensive datasets for all wind farm components and global GIS layers, with the flexibility to add your own data to be used in our powerful calculation tool to optimize your wind farm by making many scenarios within a click.
Youwind Renewables contribution within H2SHIFT project
In the H2SHIFT project, the Youwind Renewables process and software is used to evaluate the business case for hydrogen production and storage in offshore wind parks.
Three offshore wind park development case studies will be made for different relevant geographies (water depth, distance to shore and harbour, wind resource, etc.) and markets, in different parts of Europe. Locations considered will include the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
The case studies will further include sensitivity studies on electricity / hydrogen pricing and other market parameters, and quantify the impact of different innovations in the overall H2SHIFT project yielding cost reductions of equipment, on overall wind park project profitability.