Snam is Europe’s leading operator in natural gas transport, with a network of approximately 38,000 km in Italy and abroad. The company also deals with storage, of which it holds more than 17% of the European capacity, and regasification, with 13.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year that will rise to 18.5 billion cubic meters to 2025 thanks to the plant in Ravenna. Its medium-long term ambition is to develop and consolidate a system of energy infrastructure for a sustainable future, positioning itself as a multi-molecule operator at national and European level, focusing on innovation and enhancing the role of gas as a transition vector. Snam is among the leading Italian listed companies by market capitalization. With its 80 years of experience in the construction and management of infrastructure, Snam ensures supply security and promotes the energy transition through investments in green gases (biomethane and hydrogen), energy efficiency and CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology. The company also creates new green areas through a benefit corporation focused on urban afforestation projects.
SNAM contribution within H2SHIFT project
Snam is the Project Coordinator, responsible for the strategic oversight, management and coordination of all the project activities, ensuring they align with the objectives set forth by the European Commission (EC). Snam is the primary point of contact for the EC, facilitating seamless communication within the consortium and with external stakeholders. Moreover, Snam owns and operates Test-Line #3, a cutting-edge facility with focus in the conversion of biogas/biomethane to bio-hydrogen through innovative technologies of Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) and methane decomposition (plasmalysis/pyrolysis), The test-line is operated in an industrial relevant environment to validate the efficiency and viability of these transformative technologies.