H2SHIFT at Hyvolution Paris 2025: Advancing Hydrogen Innovation
H2SHIFT was proud to participate in Hyvolution Paris 2025, one of the most significant events in the hydrogen sector. Hyvolution sits at the crossroads of politics and economics, bringing together industry leaders, decision-makers, and innovators to support the deployment of hydrogen and tackle its future challenges. The event covers the entire hydrogen value chain, from mobility to energy and industrial applications, offering a unique platform for collaboration and business opportunities.
During the event, thanks to Pietro Giovanni Santori from Snam and Ilaria Schiavi from Environment Park we introduced H2SHIFT, presenting the Open Innovation Test Bed designed to support SMEs and startups in developing, testing, and scaling up innovative hydrogen production technologies. We talked also about our goal to create a collaborative ecosystem where cutting-edge hydrogen solutions can be validated and accelerated toward commercialization.
Our Hyvolution workshop provided an opportunity to engage with industry experts, stakeholders, and potential collaborators. We received insightful feedback and sparked discussions on how H2SHIFT can effectively bridge the gap between research and commercialization for hydrogen technologies.
We highlighted the nine test lines available within the H2SHIFT network, each focusing on a different aspect of hydrogen production:
#1 High-temperature electrolysis – Offering testing services from the cell to the system level providing coherent and comprehensive outputs for low-TRL SOEL and PCCEL technologies (led by IREC).
#2 Anion Exchange Membrane electrolysis – AEM electrolysis testing lines and expertise in supporting manufacturers in developing their industrial scale product. (led by University of South Wales Prifysgol De Cymru)
#3 Biogas reforming and biomethane decomposition – Platform delivering biogas/biomethane and CO2 for the production of bio-H2 and testing of CCUS technologies (led by SNAM).
#4 Bioethanol Reforming – Supporting the development of bio-ethanol/methanol reforming with purification for mobility – grade hydrogen production (led by Técnicas Reunidas).
#5 Thermochemical water splitting – Development of materials for supporting direct solar thermolysis and solar thermochemical redox cycles for H2, CO and O2 generation from water and CO2 (led by Politecnico di Torino).
#6 Photo-electro-chemical water splitting – Development and scale up of photo-electrochemical reactors / photo-electrodes and cells (led by Politecnico di Torino).
#7 Offshore Production of H2 – Exploring the business case for the production of hydrogen in offshore environment (led by Youwind).
#8 Technology upscaling services – Multiphysics simulation to support design and scale up of efficient hydrogen production technologies (let by Resolvent).
#9 Non-technical services – Non-technical services for the management and support of an acceleration programme for companies accessing the OITB (Led by Collège Des Ingenieurs).
Click here for more details.
Following Hyvolution, we are preparing for our General Assembly at Técnicas Reunidas on March 4-5, where our partners will assess the project’s progress and strategize the next steps.
Stay tuned as H2SHIFT continues to drive hydrogen innovation forward!