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H2SHIFT consortium meets for the M12 General Assembly in Madrid

H2SHIFT consortium met in Madrid for the March 2025 General Assembly, which was hosted by local partner Tecnicas Reunidas.

During the first day, the progress of the project was discussed. Work on the establishment of the Single Entry Point is continuing, with the aim of launching it within the next month. In the meantime, the ecosystem of the OITB is being analysed with a map of the stakeholders compiled in a database that will continuously be updated with further contacts collected by the consortium.

The services on offer by the OITB are shaping up: an overview of the needs of the potential users has been obtained through the analysis of the preliminary results of a survey launched at the end of last year. The survey is to be continuously relaunched to widen the understanding of the market and therefore improve the offer from the OITB’s nine test lines.

All showcases have now either started or are gearing up, with the definition of the requirements from the users and tasks to be implemented by the service providers. The performance of Protium 100kW AEM electrolyser s being tested at USW’s Hydrogen Centre site in Port Talbot (Testline #2). For the Showcase linked to Testline #9, H2SHIFT will work in partnership with Snam’s HyAccelerator to accelerate one of the selected finalists, thus offering startups the opportunity to test and upscale their solutions in a relevant industrial environment (TRL 5-7). All other showcases are planned to be operational in the next few months.   

On the second day, the H2SHIFT consortium had the opportunity to visit Tecnicas Reunidas test facility for pilot plants, i.e. H2SHIFT testline#4.

The facility is set up to host up to 6 pilot plants (TRL5-7) and is equipped with gas lines (H2, CO, CO2,CH4, O2 and N2) bio-ethanol, demi water, chilled water and extractors, thus technologies such as PSA, reformers, electrolyzers, fuel cells etc can be hosted for testing in a safe and secure environment.
Tecnicas Reunidas’s Testline #4 will host Viver Cleantech’s compact methanol reformer as a showcase, exploring the opportunity for integrating a hydrogen purification process.

Work in the next few months will focus on the starting of all the showcases, gearing up for the open calls of the second part of the project. Keep up with H2shift project by subscribing to our newsletter! Follow us also on LinkedIn and X.